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For Families

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Wednesday 6 Sep 2023
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INformation for FAMILIES
How To Get Involved

If you have a child who attends an early learning service, Early Childhood Educators’ Day is the perfect opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to your educators in your own special way!

You may like to do one of the following ideas on Wednesday 4th September 2024,  or if you’re not seeing your educator that day, on another day during the same week.

Together, you and your child/children might like to:

If your early learning service (Long Day Care, Family Day Care, Kindergarten/Preschool or Occasional Care) is not aware of Early Childhood Educators’ Day, you may like to send them a link to this website & invite them to take part in a nation-wide celebration of their wonderful educators.

"How Are You Going To Say Thank You?" Video
Play Video about Michelle With Flowers3 (1)
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