Every year we like to select a theme for Early Childhood Educators’ Day to add some light and colour to the celebrations, whilst reflecting what’s going on in the early learning sector from an operational and cultural perspective.

We’re delighted to announce that the 2024 theme for Early Childhood Educators’ Day is ‘Embracing diversity has early beginnings‘.

This year we celebrate the vital role that early childhood educators play in fostering a society that values diversity and promotes inclusivity. As the foundation of our future leaders, it is important that young children learn from the very beginning to appreciate and celebrate the little differences that make us all unique. 

In addition to valuing the diversity among our children, we also recognise and celebrate the unique diversity among our early childhood educators. We believe that the variety of their experiences, national and cultural backgrounds and perspectives enriches the educational environment and fosters a more inclusive and supportive community for all. By embracing the diversity of our educators, we create a culture of mutual respect, understanding and creativity that benefits everyone involved.

We hope the 2024 theme strikes a meaningful chord with early learning service providers, the families who attend early learning services and most importantly with our valued early childhood educators.

We’re also delighted to share that our Apparel Sponsor Cargo Crew has brought this design to life with a brand new selection of T-shirts, aprons, tote bags, sun hats and key rings to help your team celebrate Early Childhood Educators’ Day in style!

Watch this space for the launch of Cargo Crew’s in mid July, at which time you can place your online orders for the ‘Embracing diversity has early beginnings‘ apparel.

In the months and weeks leading up to Early Childhood Educators’ Day, we welcome and encourage the support of Australia’s early learning services, sector stakeholders and the media to help spread the message to families and the general community that the event is coming up.

Your organisation can play a role in helping to spread the word by sharing some or all of the communications tools below. By doing so, you are supporting the recognition and celebration of the work of Australia’s early childhood educators. 

We ask that all of our stakeholders respect the nature of the day which is all about community engagement and not about commercial or political gain.

NOTE: Please be aware that the materials below are shared under a Creative Commons Licence, which means you have legal permission to use and share these materials for the purposes of celebrating the event with the community. (There is no need to cite the Australian Childcare Alliance as the creator.) You do not have permission to use the name of the event, the logo or  any of the communications materials provided below for the advertising of the sale of goods or services. 

The Australian Childcare Alliance thanks you in advance for your support of this well-loved, national community event.

If you don’t know much about Early Childhood Educators’ Day, you can read about the purpose of the event here and the history of the event here.

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You can share the “How are you going to say thank you?” video via Facebook, Instagram or YouTube.   

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You can download images to help you promote the event on your website or social media pages here

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You can download a suite of template social media posts, website and newsletter template articles here

With Early Childhood Educators’ Day not far away, we’re in the process of creating our “How are you going to say thank you?” community video, which will help to generate awareness in the lead up to this national community event.

To help us create this video, we are inviting families with a child or children attending an early learning service or kindergarten/preschool  to film a short video, then upload it for possible inclusion in our community video. 


A message from you and your child/children can inspire others in the lead up to the day.

We will try to include as much of this footage as we can in the final video, which we aim to air in late July/early August.

You can see last year’s “How are you going to say thank you?” video here

You and your child/children may like to read and use the sample script here.

You can upload your short videos here – www.tribute.co/howareyougoingtosaythankyou/


Please don’t be shy, and remember it doesn’t have to be perfect! Even if you or your child/children make a mistake, that can be a fun inclusion too – the more natural the better.

We thank you in advance for your support!

Dear Families,

This year Early Childhood Educators’ Day takes place on Wednesday 2nd September.

We invite  you and your child/children to create a short video, using the Video Instructions provided in this attachment.

We will select a number of these videos for inclusion in our 2020 “Australia says thank you” video. This video will be aired to generate awareness during the week of Early Childhood Educators’ Day.

The final video will have a collated home-made feel to it to refllect the current COVID-19 climate, much like our “How are you going to say thank you?” video here.

We would greatly appreciate your support, for no other reason than to help us make this year’s Early Childhood Educators’ Day as special as possible for Australia’s early childhood educators.

Please not that given the short length of the video we are making, we may not be able to include all of the footage we receive in the final edit, but we’ll do our best. 🙂

The 2020 “Australia says thank you?” video will be released in mid July to help build awareness and also get everyone excited in the lead up to the week of celebrations.

We would like to extend a enormous thank you to each and every one of you who sent in a short video to form part of this year’s “How are you going to say thank you?” video.

We received lots of wonderful footage of smiling faces and heartfelt messages.

Given the short length of the video we are making, we won’t be able to include all of the footage in the final edit. The main deciding factor for each clip submitted was whether or not we could hear the speaker clearly, and whether there was a long pause before and after their speech – this is important to allow for editing and to make sure the speech is not cut off.

We thank you all for sending in your videos even if we didn’t have room for it in the final edited video – you made us laugh, you made us smile, you left us feeling very grateful… and you are all stars!

The 2020 “How are you going to say thank you?” video will be released in mid July to help build awareness and also get everyone excited in the lead up to the week of celebrations.

Please note: Further down the track, we will also invite service providers and their families to film a short “thank you message”, listing the reasons why they appreciate their early childhood educators. This will form part of our “Australia says thank you” video, to be played during the week of celebrations. 

Dear Families,

This year’s Early Childhood Educators’ Day takes place on Wednesday 2nd September.

We invite  you and your child/children to create a short video, using the Video Instructions provided below.

We will select a number of these videos for inclusion in our 2020 “How are you going to say thank you?” video. This video will be aired to generate awareness in the lead up to the day.

We would greatly appreciate your support, for no other reason than to help us spread the word and make this year’s Early Childhood Educators’ Day as special as possible for Australia’s early childhood educators.

The deadline for sending your video in is midnight Friday 19th June.

Video Instructions 

We would like you and your child to film yourselves (together or solo – whatever works for you) talking to the camera (using the short script below) from your living room, your kitchen, your backyard… anywhere in your home where you are comfortable.

Please make sure you film in a landscape format – not portrait.

Below are some basic phrases we would like you to say while you and/or your child/children are looking at the camera. Remember, we are going to edit the footage with lots of other videos from other families, with the end result being a LITTLE bit like this video from 2019 – https://bit.ly/ECEDayVideo2019.

With this in mind, we need you to talk slowly and clearly, and take a long pause (at least a few seconds) between each phrase. Also, please try to take the video at a time with very little background noise, so we can hear your voice(s) clearly.

You may wish to read your child the line and ask them to repeat it looking at the camera. Alternatively, you (the parent) can memorise the line & say it to the camera, with your child sitting with you or being held by you. It doesn’t have to be the exact words of the phrase, as long as it makes sense.

You can send us one long video (1-2 minutes) or a handful of short videos of each line.

Bloopers are fun too, so don’t be shy to send us some of your “not so perfect” videos!

Basic video script:

  1. On Early Childhood Educators’ Day we’re going to say thank you to all our early childhood educators….
  2. For making sure the children feel safe and happy.
  3. For keeping families informed in these ever-changing times.
  4. This year it’s on Wednesday 2nd September!
  5. We’re getting excited thinking about how to say thank you.
  6. I’m going to/ We’re going to make a card!
  7. I’m going to/ We’re going to make some cookies!
  8. I’m going to/ We’re going to draw a picture!
  9. I’m going to/ We’re going to give him/her a present!
  10. I’m going to/ We’re going to give him/her some flowers!
  11. I’m going to/ We’re going to tell him/her he/she is amazing!
  12. How are you going to say thank you?

Please send in your video via EMAIL to admin@childcarealliance.org.au by Friday 12th June 2020.

We thank you for your wonderful support in making this year’s Early Childhood Educators’ Day the most special ever, and we look forward to seeing your wonderful videos!

For your information: Further down the track, we will also invite you – the families – to film a short “thank you message”, which will go into greater detail about  why you appreciate your early childhood educators and what makes them special to you. However this current request does not need that level of detail – this will be short, catchy video which simply asks “How are you going to say thank you?” in the lead up to the day. 

For young children and their families, Early Childhood Educators Day is a wonderful opportunity to say thank you to your early child educator(s) in your own special way, whether on Wednesday 4th September or during the same week.

In addition to the ideas already on the website for families and children, below we’ve put together some wonderful art and craft ideas gathered from all around the internet, which might help you get inspired to show your appreciation in a very personal way.

With a bit of help from a family member, children can have a lot of fun making something thoughtful.

For example, you and your child might like to make a card with flowers by using buttons and some kids-safe craft glue.

Or you might like to help your child do some fingerpainting and build a card around their artwork. 

For something a bit different, you could make an accordion card. You can read more about how to make one of these here

Or make a collage for the front of your card. Something simple like an apple can be fun.

Whatever you choose to give your early childhood educator, rest assured that he or she will be absolutely delighted! It’s the gesture of saying thank you that counts! 

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